Commission Board
Saskatchewan’s Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Act 2019 establishes the Commission as a Corporation and Agent of the Crown. A Board of twenty or fewer members are appointed by the Provincial Government. The majority of the members of the Board are selected by industry, equally representing employers and employees. The Commission Board also has representation from Saskatchewan Polytechnic, the Provincial Government and equity groups. The Commission reports to a Minister of the Provincial Government who is responsible for the administration of the Act. In 2018, this became the Minister of Immigration and Career Training. The Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Act 2019 authorizes the Commission to manage the Apprenticeship and Trade Certification system.
The Commission:
- designates trades for apprenticeship training and certification;
- generates, retains and expends revenues;
- registers apprentices and journeypeople, monitoring their training and providing certification of skill levels achieved;
- determines and charges fees for products and services; enters into agreements for training delivery; and
- represents Saskatchewan on interprovincial initiatives.
The Act gives the Commission the authority to make regulations to ensure the efficient and effective operation of the apprenticeship system to meet the needs of industry in a timely manner. The Act also ensures accountability to both industry and government. Read more about the SATCC Board Policies and SATCC Board Terms of Reference.
SATCC Commission Board Committees: The SATCC Board had implemented a committee structure to facilitate the work of the Board and develop recommendations for the Board’s consideration. For more information about each committee, see the Committee Terms of Reference.
Commission Board Members as of September 2024

Bryan Leier

Jeff Sweet

Karen Zunti

Dion Malakoff

To Be Determined

Ryan Cunningham

Leonard Manitoken

Brett Vandale

Brent Dubray

Dana Paidel

Julien Brazeau

Chris Lysitza

Dawn Wreford

Karen Low

Susan Daigneault

Clint Repski