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Welcome New Apprentices


Remember, to be eligible for apprenticeship training, you must be employed in the trade. Once you are employed, you and your employer submit the following to the SATCC:


Your grade twelve transcript (with no modified classes) or GED 12 is your guarantee that you meet the educational entrance requirements for apprenticeship in Saskatchewan.

The SATCC works hard to ensure that people find success in the apprenticeship program by accessing IXL Learning. Through computer-based online learning, it helps people to update their literacy and math skills. People will be referred to IXL Learning by the SATCC’s Assessment Unit. Most commonly, clients who do not have the necessary entrance requirements, or need to upgrade various skills during technical training will be referred to the program. You can learn more about IXL Learning and other requirements at Entrance Requirements for Apprenticeship Training.


As an apprentice, you will spend approximately 85% of your time working on the job, learning the knowledge and skills associated with a trade from a certified journeyperson. The remaining time is spent in theoretical and technical in-school training, which reinforces and expands upon what you have learned on the job.

It is your responsibility to:

  • know what is involved in your trade; learn; apply skill; work diligently for your employer.
  • self-register for technical training in MyATC when you’ve met the required number of hours for your trade
  • submit your trade time experience through MyATC every few months
  • advise the SATCC if you:
    • have a change of address
    • work for a different employer – when you begin working for a new employer, you must complete a new Apprenticeship Application on MyATC.

If you require someone other than yourself to receive information regarding your apprenticeship, please fill out the Consent to Release Personal Information

For more information:


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Looking for a hands-on career? Consider apprenticeship! Spend 85% of your time learning on the job and 15% in technical training

Plus, you'll earn while you learn, making it a practical choice. Discover more about apprenticeship opportunities here:
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Looking for a hands-on career? Consider apprenticeship! Spend 85% of your time learning on the job and 15% in technical training

Plus, youll earn while you learn, making it a practical choice. Discover more about apprenticeship opportunities here: attachmentImage attachment

Tax season is quickly approaching!

2024 tax slips will be available in MyATC by the end of February. Tax slips will not be sent out via mail. To access tax slips in MyATC, log in to your MyATC account, select “My Items” in the top menu bar and select “Tax Slips” from the list.
... See MoreSee Less

Tax season is quickly approaching! 

2024 tax slips will be available in MyATC by the end of February. Tax slips will not be sent out via mail. To access tax slips in MyATC, log in to your MyATC account, select “My Items” in the top menu bar and select “Tax Slips” from the list.
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saskatchewan youth apprenticeship (sya)

The Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) program gives high school students the opportunity to learn more about skilled trades career pathways and gain a head start on their skilled trades career, should they register as an apprentice after graduation.
explore sya