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Entrance Requirements Overview

Entrance requirements for individual trades have been established by the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) in consultation with industry, stakeholders and the essential skills profiles.

A Grade 12 transcript (with no modified classes) or a GED 12 guarantees an applicant meets the educational entrance requirements for apprenticeship in Saskatchewan. This ensures the individual has all of the necessary skills required to successfully complete the apprenticeship program, and receive journeyperson certification.

Individuals with “modified” or “general” classes in math or science do not meet our entry requirements.

A chart showing the minimum requirements, in math and science, can be viewed by clicking on “Entrance Requirements for Apprenticeship Training” below.

The SATCC works hard to ensure that people find success in the apprenticeship program by accessing IXL Learning. Through computer-based online learning, it helps people to update their literacy and math skills. People will be referred to IXL Learning by the SATCC’s Assessment Unit. Most commonly, clients who do not have the necessary entrance requirements, or need to upgrade various skills during technical training will be referred to the program.

IXL Learning’s skills are aligned to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Outcomes providing comprehensive coverage of Math and English Language Arts concepts and applications. Clients taking the Entrance Requirements Training will have six (6) months to complete the training, and must meet the required score in each learning outcome. Once complete, and if all other admission requirements have been met, the client will be notified that they qualify to move forward with apprenticeship. Access to this program will be provided for a fee of $25 effective October 1, 2016.

Individuals not meeting the entrance requirements for their trade may also obtain the credit for the minimum math or science grade level (non-modified) listed by their trade, or their GED 12.

English is the language of instruction in all apprenticeship programs and is the common language for business in Saskatchewan. Before admission, all apprentices must be able to understand and communicate in the English language. Applicants whose first language is not English must have a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark Assessment of six (CLB6) in all areas.

Individuals must be a permanent resident of Canada in order to apprentice.



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saskatchewan youth apprenticeship (sya)

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