
Drew Wilby

Department: Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Representing: Ministry of Immigration and Career Training

Drew Wilby has a long history of serving the people of
Saskatchewan, having completed 18 years as a public
servant with the Government of Saskatchewan.
Beginning as an advisor to the premier and Cabinet, then
in senior level roles with the ministries of Justice and
Corrections, Policing and Public Safety before being
appointed as the Deputy Minister of Labour Relations
and Workplace Safety in 2023. He was appointed Deputy
Minister of Immigration and Career Training in November
Drew was born and raised in Saskatchewan and has continued to make helping people in
this province the centre of his work and promotes the importance of diversity, equity and
inclusion when engaging stakeholders.

His formal education includes a Bachelor of Arts with Honours from the University of
Saskatchewan. He resides in Regina with his wife Brooke and their three boys Drayden,
Rhett and Blake


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