Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission Named One Of Saskatchewan’s Top Employers For 2021

Tamara SentesSATCC Home Page News, SATCC News

For the third year running, the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) has been recognized as one of Saskatchewan’s Top Employers by Mediacorp Canada Inc.

“We’re pleased to be recognized as one of Saskatchewan’s Top Employers for the third year in a row.” SATCC CEO Jeff Ritter said. “I’m proud to work for an organization where our employees enjoy and take pride in the work they do.”

Ritter’s sentiments are echoed by SATCC staff members.

According to the SATCC’s 2020 employee engagement survey, eighty-six per cent of employees agreed with the statement: “I find my work fulfilling and I look forward to coming to work each day.”

With the onset of the pandemic this past year and a shift towards working virtually, regular up-to-date communication among staff is a top priority. The SATCC maintains regular communications from senior leaders through bi-weekly stand-up meetings with all staff and monthly internal newsletters, in addition to the annual all-staff meeting.

Employees feel supported in the work they do as well. The SATCC’s employee engagement survey indicated that 90 per cent of employees agreed with the statement: “I have support at work to provide a high level of service.”

“This past year has presented a number of challenges, but our employees worked together to adapt so they can continue to provide quality customer service to our clients,” said Ritter.

The editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers rate organizations on a variety of factors including: physical workplace; work atmosphere; training and skills development, and community involvement. To see the full list of winners and review the editors’ reasons for selection, visit

Mediacorp Canada Inc. oversees the Canada’s Top 100 Employers competition (and affiliated regional competitions) and operates the job search engine,

The SATCC administers Saskatchewan’s apprenticeship and trade certification system.